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Sponsor Spotlight Q&A With


What will I do starting in your industry/your organization?

As a senior associate, you’ll work as part of a team of problem solvers with extensive consulting and industry experience, helping our clients solve their complex business issues from strategy to execution. During the interview process we will discuss your career path and the ways you can apply your academic and professional experiences to help our clients address interesting and complex business issues and opportunities. We understand the importance of providing continuous learning and development opportunities for our people. Your development experience at PwC will include formal and informal training, coaching and mentoring through the PwC Professional framework. You’ll be involved in challenging day to day experiences where you will apply your knowledge and skills to bring value to our clients.

What does your organization / industry in general look for in new hires/students from MBA programs?

We are looking for smart, highly motivated and agile individuals who are committed to achievement. We offer rich and varied opportunities to work with our clients and make an impact.

Tell me about how much flexibility I’ll have in creating my career path? (For example, is there a set path, is it entrepreneurial, many options, few paths?)

We understand that our professionals may want to seek out new opportunities - whether it is expanding their technical and/or functional knowledge or moving to another part of the firm. We encourage our professionals to examine their careers and define how they want to grow it now and in the future. We offer an array of possibilities, some of which include a global tour of duty or a transfer to another part of the business.

Is it possible in this job / industry to make a successful career work alongside other activities and interests such as hobbies or family life? How?

Absolutely! We are committed to creating a working environment that enables long-term careers by making individual and team flexibility a key aspect of our culture. PwC has invested in firm-wide initiatives such as Be well, work well, which focus on work-life flexibility and the well-being of our people. These initiatives are to support and advance our culture, while meeting changing business needs. We encourage our teams to connect and discuss what's important to them to help find a work-life balance for the team and firm responsibilities.

What kind of advice can you offer a new MBA admit who wants to work at your company? Tips for the process of landing an offer.

Do your homework

• The interview starts before you walk in the door. Know our firm. Prepare questions to ask. Rehearse your responses to common questions so you are articulate and compelling.

Tell your story

• Use the power of personal stories to convey the essence of who you are and what’s important to you. It’s easier to be enthusiastic when you’re telling a story versus restating facts.

Be confident

• Make sure you are authentic and memorable. Leave a lasting impact.