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Sponsor Spotlight Q&A With

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What will I do starting in your industry/your organization?

At Bain you’re analytical, interpersonal, creative thinking, business management and leadership skills will be called upon from day one. You'll be in the thick of the action as you work side by side with some of the best in the business to create change. Every day is different, but researching the client’s organization and industry, identifying issues, moving the clients to action, and being a manger to junior team members is just a sample of what you can expect to experience and accomplish at Bain. Bain's summer associate (SA) program is an ideal opportunity for MBAs or advanced degree candidates to experience the real world of consulting while discovering what a future with Bain would be like.

What does your organization / industry in general look for in new hires/students from MBA programs?

On the MBA side, there are really three main things Bain looks at when meeting candidates. First, we are looking for, ‘are they smart?’ This is a function of some of the quants, like GMAT score, as well as where they went to undergrad, what they majored in, and what they are doing to excel academically. Second, in terms of professional experience, we are not only looking for people who are former consultants. We are looking for people who can be successful in a corporate environment and can engage with others. Third, we look to assess if they give and receive coaching and feedback. Being in an environment that is collaborative with clients means that we are collaborative with each other.

Tell me about how much flexibility I’ll have in creating my career path? (For example, is there a set path, is it entrepreneurial, many options, few paths?)

A career at Bain is an excellent choice—and unlike any other. We offer many programs to help you “build your own Bain,” such as externships (four to six-months at an organization of your choice related to your professional goals), and temporary or permanent global transfers. While there is no “set path” at Bain, just two or three years with us will offer you incredible opportunities, both at Bain and beyond—from becoming a Bain partner to starting your own business, stepping into a senior role at a top tech company, joining a private equity firm or making a meaningful social impact at a nonprofit you love.

Is it possible in this job / industry to make a successful career work alongside other activities and interests such as hobbies or family life? How?

Absolutely! Priorities shift as you journey through life, and it’s important to us that our people are accomplishing what they want to, both personally and professionally. To ensure our flexible work model is successful, we offer flexible options to ensure everyone can have a long-lasting fulfilling career at Bain. Our people are encouraged to take advantage of their generous vacation time, flextime, and extended breaks that allow them to take time off to rejuvenate and/or fulfill personal goals.

What kind of advice can you offer a new MBA admit who wants to work at your company? Tips for the process of landing an offer.

We are always looking for talented MBAs to join our global consulting team. As a new MBA admit, we encourage you take advantage of our pre-MBA summer program, ExperienceBain, to learn more about us the summer before you start business school. In the interview process itself, your resume is important, but we’re more interested in how you structure and organize your thoughts. We want people to have the ability to frame complex problems and think creatively to find pragmatic solutions for our clients. These skills may come in the form of team experience, academic achievement, group involvement or personal projects. We work to develop some of the world's top leaders with the capacity not only to contribute to teams, but to lead them to change. Demonstrated leadership, whether through work, school or extracurricular activities, is highly favorable. For us, passion is nonnegotiable. We're looking for people who are enthusiastic and tenacious about solving puzzles, who yearn to succeed as individuals and as part of a team. In short, people who are committed to creating change in their work and in the world.